Hope began to sing
Of love and happiness
In my vision of a King.
Through the pain and pressure
Of life's bitter sting,
I find the strength to go on
In my vision of a King.
Waiting, waiting, waiting
While the death bells ring.
I live my life by what I see
In my vision of a King.
And though the day may never come,
To this I still cling.
Because my every dream lives
In my vision of a King.
While I enjoy some of the lyricism and imagery of this poem, its meaning is incomprehensible to anyone but myself. Back in high school, I was really into mysticism and portents. On my sixteenth birthday, a birthday to which I ascribed a lot of importance, thinking that's when my "real" life would begin, I did a form of scrying where you randomly open the Bible and read the first verse you see. I did this a few times, and two or three verses (enough me to assign meaning to it) mentioned the word "king." I was convinced that that word had some significance to my destiny and the realization of my dreams.